How do we explain what is happening in the US today? First, we must look at the way the media portrayed Donald Trump as an autocrat. This constant narrative could not have been farther from the truth, but that never stopped media puppets from spewing tales of doom and gloom. The hair on fire stories about the death of our Republic were endless. Now, we’re faced with a President that is truly trying to change the way our Republic functions and mainstream media acts as if it is time to move forward and the Republic be damned. Of course, that is not what they are saying – “it is for the good of the country”. The country that is clearly divided. The Congress that is equally divided and with no bi-partisan consensus. Using parliamentary loop holes the President and his cohorts in the Congress are pushing though sweeping changes. If Donald Trump had tried any of this, they would have lynched his effigy and set it afire outside the White House. All this is being done in the name of “needed change”. Changes only the far left wants, and Joe is either not the moderate he was said to be, or he is more interested in an historic legacy than in the health of the Republic. Remember he did tell us that “if elected, I will be the most progressive President this country has ever had.” Now, it would appear that the autocrat is “Kindly Old Uncle Joe”, who seems benign enough on the surface. I am reminded of the fact that Joseph Stalin the ruler of the USSR during World War II was referred to as Uncle Joe to make him seem more benevolent. Uncle Joe’s communist policies killed millions and our Uncle Joe is taking us in the same direction.
I just heard that 61% of Democrats think that the 2016 election of Donald Trump was fraudulent due to Russian interference. By the same token 62% of Republicans believe that the 2020 election of Joe Biden was duplicitous because of election fraud. This together with the fact that only 19% of all American believe that both Trump and Biden were elected honestly presents a long-term problem for this country. This concept was promulgated by the Democrats beginning in 2016 when they could or should I say would not accept the failure of their heir apparent Hillary Clinton. Now, the unintended consequences of undermining election integrity are coming home to roost. The majority of voters do not believe the results. Therefore all elections are called into question. This is what happens when the quest for power puts your party pursuits above the best interests of your country on your priority list. This lamentable practice has become all too familiar in recent years and this is a habit that will cause the downfall of our nation. Sadly, our current president is not only contributing to but hastening the collapse with his reckless disregard for the Constitution and our Republic. Are you worried yet?