I keep hearing from the left that President Trump may not be fully committed to the principals of democracy. They paint him as a power-hungry fascist that works around the margins of the constitution and may not leave office if not re-elected. This coming from a party that openly discusses doing away with the Second Amendment of the Constitution (the right to bear arms), Article II Section1 of the Constitution (the Electoral College) and packing the Supreme Court to achieve these goals and others. Goals that the American people would not vote for and could not pass both Houses of Congress. Their path to circumventing the wishes of the people is to use like-minded ideologues on the court who would create law by interpreting what they think the Constitution should say. There by doing away with the worrisome task of pleasing the people or even amending the Constitution. They will just strike them down as unconstitutional and be done with it. I’m envisioning Egypt after the Arab Spring when the Muslim Brotherhood was elected. They packed the courts changed their constitution and the military had to step in. Now that wouldn’t happen in this country because our military is apolitical and as an institution has no history of political intervention unlike that of Egypt. The implications of the democrats’ rhetoric are clear. They would have no problem imposing their “will” on the American people. We should be concerned particularly if Biden is elected and the democrats win control of both Houses of Congress.
These ideas about changing the Constitution without going through the prescribed process should be alarming to all Americans. The fact is that most people don’t know what these steps are and are ignorant not stupid but uneducated about the Constitution and civics in general. The American people know more about “You Tube” than they do about their own country and that is a disgrace. China doesn’t have to steal our country and Russia doesn’t have to try and corrupt our elections because we’re too lazy to educate ourselves about what makes our country better than theirs. This can be laid squarely at the feet of our education system that fails to teach basic civics. Americans don’t know how government is supposed to work and therefore think that things are constitutional that are not. Earlier this year at the University of North Carolina, a statue of a confederate soldier was torn down. Afterwards in an interview a student who participated stated that she had a constitutional right to tear down the statue. Please, someone explain to me how a college student could be so uninformed as to believe that constitutional rights include destroying private property because it is offensive? Better yet, I’d be interested in knowing where this “college student” found or believes this “constitutional right” is actually documented. This is part and parcel of what is infecting our country and the education system. We are creating “citizens” who have no idea what the constitution actually says or what their responsibilities actually are. “Civics” is defined as “the study of the rights and duties of citizenship”. They believe in freedom of their speech and freedom from your speech. This obviously is not what the constitution says but some of our youth think they should be protected from things that offend them because they have been reared on the “everyone gets a trophy” crap. That would be freedom of most speech or freedom of some speech, which would mean you’d be living in Moscow or Beijing. To quote Abraham Lincoln “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves; and under the rule of a just God, cannot long retain it.”
I’m in favor of bringing back REAL civics classes that are mandatory so that every student truly understands what a powerful gift they have as Americans. Every library should have this information available now for any liberal interested in educating themselves on the truth rather than continuing to ass-ume the democrats give a hoot about you before you cast another vote. No party is perfect as they all consist of flawed human beings. But the American dream of a “Free Republic” is not flawed. We each must do our part.