We are told by the Democrat party they are the font of all knowledge, acceptance, and, empathy. And that those who are conservative are nothing but racist, bigoted, and homophobes yet the actions by the Democrats do not bear this out. They knowingly put forth information that is skewed or even false as if it were fact. Need I say more than CNN’s editing of Professor Alan Dershowitz’s testimony during the impeachment of President Trump. CNN removed a section of his remarks making there meaning completely different. This was an effort to make it appear he was condemning the president. Their acceptance of people and ideas they don’t agree with is non-existent. They achieve this by means of virtue signaling labeling all those who have the temerity to speak up as racist haters. Their empathy is so flighty as to be almost a mirage. Take for instance the lithium ion battery used in almost everything these days, but in large quantities in electric vehicles. A main principle of the Green New Deal and the Unity Task Force to combat Climate Change. The primary ingredient in the lithium ion battery is cobalt; sixty percent of which is mined in the Congo using child labor. In early March 2018, CBS did a piece on this but not a word since. These hypocrites decry the president for his disparaging remarks about some of these third world countries like the Congo, but once more their empathy goes only as far as virtue signaling. We hear not a word from the “most caring of all people” when it comes to child labor. “We Care” what a load of unadulterated crap. What’s a few thousand children’s lives when your donors in big tech are on the other side of the scale? Will they also be “taking a knee” for all the black lives of the children in the Congo used for this labor? Are those crickets I’m hearing?
The average men and women of this country have all the same societal concerns. Now, though all discussions on how to solve these issues are shut down. If you dissent you are evil. Do the media, intellectual elite, and the far left think we lock our special needs family members away in the closet, or maybe that we have no LBGTQ relatives? I’m sure they believe we don’t work with or live near an immigrant family. That we never associate with someone who might be Muslim, Sikh, or Buddhists. We care nothing about the environment, particularly farmers who earn their living from the land. We gladly drink polluted water and want to live on chemical waste sites. We all hate the elderly and clearly, we want to take away their Social Security. We want to see them eating dog food or cat food which ever may be cheaper. Lastly, walk our streets and see how many bi-racial children are out there. These kids are not in the wealthy neighborhoods. They are in middle class areas, you know the areas you think are racist, bigoted, and homophobic. Our neighborhoods are integrated unlike your gated communities that keep out the people that aren’t “your kind”. Look to yourself instead of mouthing platitudes about what America could or should be. We are the quint essential America that you pretentious, condescending, patronizing so called progressives talk about America becoming. It’s already here you idiots! We are the ones accepting all of what’s happening not you. If you were to get out of your bubble or is it your limousine, you’d actually see what’s before your very eyes. Middle America has changed but you wouldn’t know that would you? In my neighborhood we have black families, Latino families, inter-racial families, multi-generational families, as well as gay, elderly, and plain ol’ white folk! All Americans. All this in a country so full of hate that we need to tear it down and start over again? I think not. The fundamental changes the left wants to bring about in this country will destroy the two-party system that provides the freedom for America to be diverse. They will stack the Supreme Court, get rid of the filibuster in the Senate, and legislate by decree. That is not democracy and it certainly is not a republic. You did know this is a “Republic”, Right? There goes the economy, the military, Electoral college, the Second Amendment, and whatever else they see fit. They will stop at nothing to see their ultra-left agenda pushed through. I’m not talking about Bernie Sanders Social Democrat ideas; those would soon go by the wayside. Our standing as a world power will be gone within a decade. China will be the dominate force and we will be cowering in the corner. That will be the end of all we hold dear.
The left would call this another hair brained conspiracy theory and fear mongering. All you need do is look at their reactions to what is happening in our streets. The mostly peaceful protests that have gone on for months have cost between one and two billion dollars. Is it only me or does that not sound like mostly violent rioting? Joe Biden’s weak condemnation of violence in general, with no mention of any specific groups involved in the mayhem leaves me wondering where he stands. Even his friends in the mainstream media have named these parties Antifa, BLM, or White Supremacists, but not old Joe. When two L.A. County Sheriff Deputies were ambushed on video Joe said nothing. I’ve got it! He’s waiting for the teleprompter “to give him his lines.” Joe is supposedly a man of faith, but he says nothing, no prayers for a speedy recovery. No public out-cry at the crowds that chanted “we hoped they die”. Not a word from either Biden or Harris. Harris is no better, she raised money for a fund to bail out rioters so they’re back on the streets the next night. Is this an indication of how our tax dollars will be sent by a Harris Administration oh no sorry I meant Biden/Harris Administration? Joe is so weak that he won’t stand up to the far left of his own party even in the face of a heinous act such as this. And we are to believe that these are two pragmatic moderates, with strong leadership credentials. Really? no, no, Really? This election is very important. If we allow them to take power, we are in trouble!!