Joe Biden finally after 90 days has condemned the violence in the streets. Why has it taken this long? Why has he done it now? Could it be that the polls and focus groups are turning against the democrats? That’s it! CNN, not known for employing intellectual giants in the first place allowed Don Lemon, the guy who asked if the Malaysian Airliner could have been swallowed by a black hole, yes that village idiot, to go on the Chris Cuomo show, another towering intellect, the other night. There he committed the cardinal sin of stating the truth on national TV. The polls and their precious focus group were treading in the wrong direction. Hillary Clinton told Biden never, never, never concede the election. Nancy Pelosi said Joe shouldn’t even debate the President. The rest of the democrats, likewise are now beginning to speak up about rioting, and looting. This tells me they have a problem. What is really disturbing, is that it took polling and focus groups, not the suffering of the people and the destruction of private property, to bring about this change of heart. It’s my guess that it’s too little, too late. The tacit approval of this behavior has put them squarely behind the actions of these anarchists. The anarchists warped philosophy has become their warped philosophy by extrapolation. These actions are similar, to when they broke off negotiations on the Police Reform Bill put forth by Sen Tim Scott SC, because they wanted an issue more that they want a solution. Solution aren’t in the democrats, best interest but issues are. Remember Immigration Reform was at the top of the list for Obama/Biden, to be done immediately upon taking the oath of office. That fell by the wayside, when it became clear that it could be used as an issue in the 2012 election.
This cynical reasoning has brought us to the brink. When they blame Trump and by extension, his supporters for all the ills of this nation, there is bound to be trouble. By branding all Trump supporters “White Supremacists”, they fan the flames of racial division by orders of magnitude far greater than the maybe 1% of the population these twisted people inhabit in our society. By agreeing with the construct that white people are inherently racist, by virtue of the fact that, they are white, they give credence to the notion that races of people are born with curtain qualities. This is no different than some of the ridiculous assertions made about African, Asian, and Latino peoples over the years. Some of which were that they were inherently stupid, or that they were inherently lazy. An argument can be made for every one of these supposed facts, particularly if you’re ignorant, and not listening to the other side. Fear is now stronger than freedom of speech it would appear. Speak up against the howling mob and you will be canceled. They’ll threaten you at work, at home, terrify your family, and all of this done in the name of “what’s best for all” and “social justice”. What unambiguous trash. In this there is no discussion, you will bow to their demands or suffer the consequences. Does this sound like a free country to you? It sounds like a totalitarian country to me. This is what the democrats and media are if not explicitly, certainly implicitly excusing by saying it’s not happening, it’s over-blown, it’s exaggerated, they’re mostly peaceful, things are not that bad. Let’s see if it came to your neighborhood. Ask Chicago mayor Laurie Lightweight, oh, I meant Lightfoot. When they came to her block, she called out special security, something she hasn’t and won’t do for the rest of the city. It’s a little different when it’s your family, right mayor. Better yet, let’s send these mostly peaceful protesters to Chris Cuomo’s or Don Lemon’s homes and see their reaction. I’ll bet they’d have the “Gov” on the phone in a minute. Hmmmmmm I’m beginning to see now how it works.
In 1968 John Carlos and Tommy Smith raised their fists in the Black Power salute in support of the civil rights movement on the podium at the Mexico City Olympics. For this, their gold and silver medals were taken away and then banned from participating in amateur sports forever. When Mohammed Ali, in a stand against the Vietnam War, refused induction into the US Army in 1967, his Heavy Weight Title was taken away. More recently Colin Kaepernick knelt for his convictions on police brutality and racial inequity and was soon out of professional football. Today we see professional athletes postponing games, not canceling, but postponing them in an effort to appear relevant. They get together and by committee make decisions on how to move forward. They risk nothing! No missing pay checks which most can afford; no risk to reputations, and no real results. As I understand it, LeBron James wanted to cancel the season, but the of the players could not come to a consensus. He settled for three postponed games, now that’s leadership. If he’d felt strongly enough and were a leader, he’d have packed up and gone home on his own. This would have left the rest of the league to ponder true leadership and their commitment to their professed cause, but this was not to be. Clearly this is symbolism over substance. What have they achieved? What are they doing to advance their cause? I would posit nothing. What exactly is their cause? Is it, social justice, police brutality, racial inequity, the new catchall black lives matter slogan, or maybe all of the above? We’re left to assume it’s whatever is most popular at the moment. No matter which side of the issue they’re on, for or against, the violence in the streets. They should at the very least express it, or better yet, go to these places and either try to calm the situation or encourage it. One way or another take a stand, instead of these meaningless attempts at empathy. If they want to follow in the footsteps of a giant like Mohammed Ali, they’re going to have to put something on the line. As has been said before Talk is Cheap. Troubling?